Well I guess I’m in Royston Vasey a la France. I love this place, it formed a regular part of my existence until I went away to university and now I get to be back amidst the extended family of Royston Vasey. My French sucks, I’m surrounded by women who still have the energy I used to have, I’m finding it hard to ,aintain political conversations I would once have breezed in Franglais never mind French. I keep dropping into Japanese which is pissing annoying but worse I don’t know where my energy is. How did I gett five shows going while I was abroad? How did I remain an activist until the end of my PGCE? And why do I not have a clue about modern European politics?! Right bed.
I’m wondering if modern European politics were less up-front in Japan?
Though it would be hard for them to be less up-front than they are in the UK! … ;o)
on the subject of french – Carmen is coming back to manchester in december if my opera buddy is interested?
I so jealous! Eat yummy yummy bread for me please!
Politics in Japan…no one really discusses it because that would be a direct discussion and we couldn’t possibly have those.