
My energy levels were really shitty this afternoon and so I went to sleep for most of it. Then I went to GM my Lace & Steel game wondering if I was doing the right thing.

Costas Ramon… oh Costas… there is a very lively character who I suspect of being possibly about to be lynched by other characters… but gods I feel so much more lively after GMing that game. I feel like some sort of vampire, feeding off the energy generated by people and absorbing it into my system.

I then turned into my sister and stole other people’s beer in the bar afterwards.

Gods I feel good, sod this glandular fever.

5 thoughts on “Energy

  1. I often find that as a ref, but not as a player…at least, not for a long time.

    And it is different again when reffing LARP.

    Funny old world.. ;o)

  2. Good old Costasz.

    We won’t lynch him. The Captain will have him thrown overboard soon enough. All we have to do is wait, and try our absolute hardest not to let any of his shit stick to us.

    This may be tricky.

  3. Reffing YS Events are just EXTREMELY knackering. But GMing my L&S game gives me a hell of a lot of energy.

  4. I tend between extremes of hyper and exhaustion depending on how well the session I just ran went.

    I don’t think I’ve ever run a session that was actually a bad game to be in (like a very small number I have had the misfortune to be in), but I’ve run ones that have had problems.

    More often, it seems that I occasionally run games that I’ve felt were bad, even if the players have roundly disagreed with my assessment. Generally, it’s because I fixate on a GMing cockup that (probably) only I noticed.

    My recent Delta Green one-shot was a good example of this. I didn’t make myself fluent in the details of the pre-written adventure, so ended up making up bits on the fly, some of which were contradictory. Fortunately, it’s Call of Cthulhu, so it didn’t matter. Even more fortunately, the PCs didn’t have the full story, so could only make up a partial version of events, which was in some ways enhanced by the contradictions. But, god, I was exhausted by that one, even if the players all loved it. 🙂

    (And the reason you feel good after a good GMing session? You’re a storyteller. You’ve just told a story that was well-received by its audience.)

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