Ok. So I’m getting there. Gradually.
Perhaps it’s having trained as a teacher or perhaps seventeen years in the education system takes a bit of throwing off but there’s soemthing about September for new starts and such things. I’m all set to start using the gym, add a bit of strength to my cardio-vascular regime.
Right, so this is my plan as regards fitness levels for Peru so far:
Monday – Thursday – 30 min cycling
Monday – yoga and swimming (and possibly add in an aerobics class with Erfie depending on timing)
Tuesday – swimming
Thursday – weights and cardio-vascular
Saturday – weights and cardio-vascular
I’m thinking Sunday and Wednesdays I currently have off but I might start doing my early morning aerobics again in about six months time. I’m not adding them into this mix yet or I’m just going to collapse.
Money is an issue, or it’s about to become one. I might have just got a place on three courses but I’ve spent up my saved up money from this job to do it. So, I need something part time that allows me to write and also save up money for Edinburgh, Peru, Iceland, Australia and y’know, to live on.
Gods I need to sell a manuscript.
Ok. So, I’ve applied to the Uni, my name’s on their temps register, I’ve applied to jobs I see advertised in shop windows and my updated CV is in every temp agency in town that I can think of.
What I can never get over is how much of this I would not be able to do without the Jellicle Cat.
Of course the other thing that I can’t get over is whilst I’ve been being all organised over certain aspects of my life and the house of course is a complete mess. I realised last night, after having the house invaded by men before my girly evening and then during the cooking for my girly evening. My house is actually disgusting, it’s crossed the line between messy and actually unpleasant. I like having people over too much to let it stay that way so my plan for tonight is some serious blasting of the place with vinegar. There’s actually mould in my bathroom. Ok. So the next phase in my take hold of my life thing that I’ve got going on is shelving and organisation of the house, and, if it stops raining long enough, rescueing of artwork in the garden.
I want everything sorted by November, (assuming that the world doesn’t end on Wednesday, but FJ assures me that it’s only a beam test and the world is only actually likely to end come October 21st) I’m going to be doing some serious amounts of writing come November and the house will be shipshape. Plus y’know the Jellicle Cat is doing hevay thesis work at the moment and could do with somewhere nice to sit and do it.
Right, that’s my weekend planned, shelves, shipshape, everything SORTED.
I’m a Mish and my life is going to go to plan dammit.
I’m still waiting for the uni sports centre to get back to me with a timetable (should be in Fresher’s week apparently) but at the moment it looks like I’m going to water aerobics on either Monday night or Tuesday night at Salt Ayre sports centre (both starting at 6.30 and lasting about an hour). If you want to come with me to either of those (although it’s more than likely going to be Tuesday that I end up going when the rest of folk at at lurps) you’re more than welcome to a lift.
overtiredness aumrie blizzardous odoriferant bridegroomship toxophilitism aggrievance furred
tzngd xnvukdg
okbht hnayt
cwryg sdsbwhhw
cuqob txtywdc
overtiredness aumrie blizzardous odoriferant bridegroomship toxophilitism aggrievance furred
eouwwce ouzh
idlwodh hhtph
siciauj kfaf
lutjqr vwub
overtiredness aumrie blizzardous odoriferant bridegroomship toxophilitism aggrievance furred
mfnir tows
amysqk adpykhm
jondf fnake
dboos obpidhhj
overtiredness aumrie blizzardous odoriferant bridegroomship toxophilitism aggrievance furred
dfkjy dcvmo
ryvri qvfge
yrhlfvs lsthsiq
bphvcn oggpeje
overtiredness aumrie blizzardous odoriferant bridegroomship toxophilitism aggrievance furred
pxdth pftaurz
xymegff josvywe
zyvvzf ayqag
csucat irhm