I had my fears about going back to the Green County for Christmas, they were all unfounded. Christmas at home was fine, and Boxing Day over at the Ex-Leprechaun’s place was lovely.
Grandma has finally me The Jellicle Cat – we had a late afternoon tea together and they seemed to get on, which made me feel great.
The annual Christmas morning piss-up was very sedate and involved a great deal of whiskey tasting and hardly anyone turned up this year, I don’t think we even had twenty people in the kitchen.
Presents were lovely, I think the Princess quite liked Arkham Horror and Mum and Dad seemed to be happy with their selection of liqueurs.
I could have done without the Princess announcing very firmly over Christmas Dinner ‘I don’t notice the girls’ (I’m not out to my parents despite trying hard during my teens) but that’s actually quite funny in hindsight.
The Ex-Leprechaun even had kareoke at her party and I bumped into The Captain, a guy I went through primary and secondary school with (his sister was my best friend at primary school) and he recorded me my first ever mix-tape, recorded off the radio. It was lovely to see him and really nice to hang out with Da Bitches. Well, some of them anyway.
Overall it was ok, I drank less than usual, I could have done with being more restrained even so… but hey. As a third Christmas it worked pretty well.
Bring on the New Year.