Excuse me for the post that follows, I feel the need to express myself in a way I haven’t since I was a teenager. I realise that this will actually only embarrass both myself and the person this is directed at. Yet… still compelled.
I love you, you did the most amazing thing to me ever and I have never felt like that and I will always love you.
And it occurs to me that the advantage of my life is that even if I put a time period on the what and the when and the catalyst that I don’t think anyone could pin down exactly who I meant.
That’s also the saddest thing about my life as well.
Excuse the ‘seventeen’.
I’m flattered.
Of course, it’s actually me that she means. How could it be anyone else?
Alex, there’s no need to rub our noses in our inferiority.
i reckon i know where i can put his nose