Ok I don’t live in Manchester but I did rather enjoy the All Together One Voice concert this evening. They picked some good songs and it had the feel of some of Folkestone Pagans COVID lockdown rituals, I mean I felt like I was participating with others as a community.
I guess I’m surprised by the community feel of the act of singing along and I really shouldn’t be. How much of my social life has been karaoke or carol singing?
Music is a huge part of my life and always has been. I often can’t carry a note but I really enjoy those who can. There’s something that keys straight into the soul within music and the act of singing with others. I suspect it’s probably one of those activities that makes the people in a choir sync their brainwaves. No idea if it would do the same with a socially distanced choir but perhaps it does. Maybe that’s why the pagan rituals where there’s been singing have felt so powerful.
Ah so that’s what the singing downstairs was during my game, I heard a few bits and wondered what you were singing along to 🙂
I had announced it in the 7pm chat 😉
I missed the chat because game and just heard the sing!