I mean I’m a woman with a public diary. I’ve had this website for a while and I’ve been putting up my private diary entries since 2003…
However, it’s not like there are a lot of people still reading this so, what do I wish that every straight person knew about me?
I’m not ‘just like you’, some queer people want to be in a family that looks exactly like it’s out of the Waltons or the Brady Bunch but with two Dads or two Mums or whatever but the fact that that’s not what I want doesn’t make me less than them or than you, the imagined straight person that I’m writing this for.
I do not have to fit some imagined respectable norm to be a worthwhile human being worthy of inclusion in this world. I just have to be me.
I get to live in this world with my beautiful Jellicle Cat and we get to Aunty the fuck out of your children who you’ve left behind or thrown out or whatever else because everyone needs some awesome Aunties with a welcoming sofa. We also get to Aunty the children that you love whether they’re queer or not because Auntying is rich and complex and makes a great complement to parenting done right.
I’m no threat, I’m an addition, I’m a help and if you embrace me then I embrace you.
Love wins. Always.