I mean, this takes place in Pride month so this year there’s more bunting (we don’t just have the Pride Flag we have the Bi and Trans flags too) and I managed to buy a huge Pride flag with ‘#PRIDE’ printed across it.
Usually we have some Pride flags across the place but me and The Jellicle are pretty Queer and our home is very much Us. It’s colourful and it really, really doesn’t come across as straight. I’m not sure how exactly, but I feel like we’ve made it Queer Space. Maybe it’s that within these walls Work is going on and it’s infusing itself into the walls.
I don’t do much of it but The Jellicle really does, when I say I don’t do much of it I guess the pandemic is making me think that. There’s no sofa for Queer youth needing an out whenyou’ve not run into anyone who doesn’t live with you for months. But I guess theres talking and reassurance and passing info if we have it and I think that effects a space somehow. Like I said, somehow infuses itself into the walls.