It’s finally happened. My trying new SoKo skincare and sheet masks has pushed into the world of snail slime. I’m looking at the sheet mask and genuinely wondering if I can actually bear to use it.
The last time I was at a French regional festival they had giant snails there in a tank as part of the beauty stall. I’m really quite squished by the idea of putting snail hoop on my skin – is this unreasonable of me?
I mean I’ve used shark liver oil on my scars before now, why not rub snail slime into my skin?
I’m revulsed by the idea.
Which kinda means I want to make myself do it. The question now is just how and when I guess.
Ugh, why is snail slime now a party of a skincare regimen?
“quite squished” or “quite squicked”? Also yes there’s just something about snail goo that makes me nope as an ingredient.
Well, I’ve used it and I’m still squicked,