When I started work for Hijinks I began to see how mental and physical health intersected. I got a really good primer for how to operate when my chronic fatigue meant I had to stay in bed and do all the things my body would associate with Depression. In all honesty I’m just constantly picking up tips in how to balance my physical and mental conditions because they all overlap.
I get pissed off sometimes at how much of a balancing act it all is. Better make sure there’s something cheering around the place because otherwise my body is going to think this is Depression, better make sure it doesn’t actually become Depression otherwise that also makes me too fucking tired to do anything.
And now? When I’ve got to work out what’s ASD and what’s ADHD and how they interact with the fatigue or fuck it all maybe I’ve never had CFS and it’s all just autistic burnout or ADHD shutdown? Ok probably not given all the blood tests but it’s occurred to me.
And that’s without wondering where the raised cortisol has come from and how that’s impacting things.
There’s too much of everything and I already fell over pretty fucking hard!