
Today DS Luke sent the WOW Addict to talk to me about the new poly relationship she finds herself in because I’ve been poly for over twenty years at this point…

I don’t think I’ve ever felt like a bigger hypocrite. Yeah sure I’m great at poly if we ignore last November when I had a complete failure of ability to communicate and comprehend anything at all about relationships.

Nevertheless we talked about time management and the need to talk a great deal, set expectations and nurture all the relationships within the greater group relationship. All those things I’m supposed to be so good at.

I wasn’t a complete hypocrite I did tell her a bit about the break up last year. But good gods I still feel like I should’ve been better last year, like I let them both down so badly.

Obviously the question of jealousy management came up and I know I’m bad at that, I get jealous rarely and then over specific predictable things, so I gave generic, just keep talking, advice.

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