Ok I’m actually warm and I am AMAZED by this. It is very fucking cold, I think it’s been colder but not by much.
We haven’t totally scored when it comes to our set up tonight, we’ve missed a couple of things but I’m laying here in my sleeping bag and thank fuck I’m warm. Partly that’s because I’m wearing the fake oodie Mum got me – usually our set up is too warm to wear much of anything in the bed but my gods the hood on this is a necessity right now.
Our perfect set up, which isn’t quite what we have tonight is silver foil below the camp bed, hanging blanket over the edge of the camp bed, Chinese reflective mat under the futon, blanket over the futon, sleeping bags with silk liners, in my case chemical heat packs in the toes of a four season. Then blanket over the top. I’m wearing jogging bottoms, socks and the fake oodie with a hood.
My gods it is Cold outside our nest.