Here We Go

And brace.

Strictly has no same sex couples this season. Well maybe the celebrities asked didn’t match up for that to be a thing? I wouldn’t stress about it except that they released a statement saying it was because they wanted to return to traditional something or others… what? Values? Good old fashioned homophobia?

‘Traditional’, honestly that immediately gets my concern cause that was a word that I grew up knowing meant anti- all things me and mine. and our bellweathers have been ringing for a while now – trans people, they’re the Family bellweathers guys.

The stuff with Trans people, all of it, is honestly ‘Christian’ people and I use the quotes deliberately, testing the waters to see if society accepts putting limits on gender roles then if they can get away with homophobia and mysogyny.

And brace. Puberty blockers have been banned (despite evidence since the seventies being in favour).

And brace.

We’re back to straight couples on Strictly.

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