I keep hearing about people who thought they were Native American doing 23&Me type tests and discovering they’re Asian or European but not native – some of these people have been involved in all kinds of native culture.
On the face of it it’s blatantly white people in the seventies (and in every era really I dunno why to me it seems like it’s the seventies) wanting to have more interesting or exotic ancestry and just making it up.
Then I heard that in the early days of DNA testing they were much less able to recognise certain DNA lineages because they get better with sample sizes and my cynical conspiracy theorist at the drop of a hat brain wondered if there were enough samples of Native American DNA to consistently recognise it.
Then I wondered what the benefit would be and came up with less people being recognised in the tribes and less people being accepted as Native American and shuddered as a whole removal of people via recognition rather than actuality.
Not that I don’t have issues with DNA testing and eugenics but even so. There we go that’s what I’ve been idly thinking about today.