Category Archives: Diary

My Birthday

Opening presents in bed is something The Jellicle and I like to do. One of the reasons I was pretty sad about her being ill was not being able to do that, we approximated it though, with FaceTime. Isn’t living in the future fantastic? Mum got me a lovely bag and The Jellicle found me … Read More

The Kids Making Everything Better

Today started with some disappointment for me, I like my birthday, very much and I like making something of it. Some years that has been having a cuppa and cake with DS Luke, always I take it off work and have done my whole adult life. Sometimes I have a full roast dinner with my … Read More

My Bottle Garden

Sometime in 2008 I stopped Dom (Princess Lex’s car – I was driving at the time ) and demanded the Jellicle and/or FJ get out and grab me the rather fantastic bottle I had seen discarded at the recycling point in Hala. The Jellicle moaned and they all laughed at me. I made up a … Read More

End of Year Meme

1.What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before? Got turned in a vampire LARP! Took meds for ADHD Got qualified in Oncology Massage. 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I did and I will, it gives me good focus 3. Did anyone … Read More


I love Yuletide, I just absolutely love it, all the things to share with people and make joyful in the middle of the cold. Last year I just couldn’t connect with it, I don’t think I’d quite realised that I was heavily dissociated from everything this time last year, I just knew I was sad … Read More